Saturday, November 25, 2006

Tis the Season

So Thanksgiving....yeah. Diner was great. Pretty much my entire family came out. I ate a lot of turkey and actually fell asleep before my brother and girlfriend made it over to my parents house to join in for the feast. I guess while I was asleep, my sister and my brother's girlfriend got into a huge fight over, what else, religion and politics. Okay folks, here's a little suggestions. Never discuss Religion, Politics or how much money you make around your siblings and their significant others....just a suggestion. luckily I missed out on all that shit. Sometimes having cronic fatigue pays off.
Black Friday come and went, thank god. People were insane. I actually went out on Friday to attempt to shop. Nothing was in stock, lines were wrappig around the store, customers were pissed off, cashiers were pissed seemed that a lot of asshole co-workers of theirs "called in sick". I saw a really gnarly car accident. It involved an SUV, a Truck and a regular car. The truck was on top of both the SUV and the car.....there was was awesome....people litterally killed each other because they were in such a hurry or some shit...what is the world coming to?
I really hate this holiday season.

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