Saturday, December 23, 2006

pulling teeth

I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. It wasn’t anything I had to do; they were not impacted or anything. They were causing me some sinus problems however. I have huge holes in my mouth now so I can’t really eat anything solid. I’ve been eating yogurts and mashed potatos. I’m not sure that getting my teeth pulled before the holidays was a good idea because I won’t be able to eat any of the damn good food but then again maybe it was a good idea because then I won’t be able to eat too much and get all heffy. I am trying to get in shape for the AVN convention and all that crap so this diet that is being forced on me isn’t so bad. I am on antibiotics and pain killers which make me feel tired all the damn time. With the holidays and what not, there isn’t a lot of shooting going on for me. I have all of next month booked so this was the perfect time get these fuckers out of my mouth. I will have enough time to recover and all that shit.
Okay Christmas is in a few days. I have my fire burning day and night for the Winter Solstice so if the sun comes back next summer you can thank me for doing my part
Happy Holidays or what ever….next year is 2007 WTF…where does the time go?