Monday, January 1, 2007

tax season and how to survive it

it's that time of year again. I have to gather all my wonderful receipts and separate them. I've been pretty good about separating them as I got them but I know I have to go through them all. Good shit I tell ya. I'm not too worried about taxes right now. This year may be the first year I don't do my own taxes. I might end up taking them to some bitchbutt to have them take care of them. This year was the first year I actually made money off my investments and junk so ....I don't know how hard paying taxes on them is going to be, though I gather that it won't be too hard....we'll see how pissed off it makes me.
However every time I start to get a little anxious about taxes ( or anything for that matter) I watch this episode of Metalocalypse and it makes my damn day. Check it out and let it make you as happy as it makes me
On the right hand side there is a menu of "fixes" it's the one named "dethclown". But don't stop there...feel free to watch them all because it's pretty much the best thing ever. I can't wait for the first season to come out on DVD.